In the time since the Hyperion Corporation's arrival and invasion of Pandora, Roland has assembled the Crimson Raiders, Pandora's anti-Hyperion resistance that operates from the city of Sanctuary. In Borderlands 2, Roland is a non-player character. It can be upgraded with a wide range of offensive and defensive abilities that can aid both Roland and his teammates. He can also deploy an automated Scorpio Turret that tracks and fires at enemies while providing an energy barrier to take cover behind.
Roland specializes in the use of combat rifles and shotguns, though he, like all the playable characters, is proficient with all weapons.
Originally a member of the Atlas Corporation's private army, the Crimson Lance, Roland deserted his post when he attacked a fellow officer, and Atlas has since put out a bounty for his capture. Roland is among the four playable characters in the original Borderlands, along with Lilith, Mordecai, and Brick.