There is little cover, and you are flanked by enemies above you and in front of you. If you haven't earned your Purple Heart achievement yet, you will here. This little area will piss the Pope off, if he ever played it. SGT Roebuck offers the 'use smoke here' idea, and you end up with a checkpoint halfway through the mad smoky dash down the trench, only to turn the corner to face the first mortar crew. Your first task will be to get past an elevated bunker with some high caliber mounted machine guns in it.
You start out with the flame thrower and a Garand, which is a pretty good combo, if you ask me.
However, on Veteran, it's an entire different story. On the easiest difficulty, I can finish this level in about 2 minutes with the flame thrower. Your mission is to clear out 3 teams of enemy (Japanese) mortar teams. Although, this level is the shortest level in the game, it will probably take the longest to manage. It's had it's difficult moments, don't get me wrong, but this level is an entire grind of hard enemies raining down all over the place. So far, World at War on Veteran difficulty hasn't been all that hard.